Number of Rooms: 2 Bedrooms / 1 Bathroom
Lot Size: 7750 sq ft - 50 ft of Beachfront
Construction Size: 2400 sq ft home
General Area: Tres Conchas
General Description of the property: Beach lot and access property
Starting Price: $45,000
Trujillo Realty HN
Whether you are looking to purchase a vacation home, retirement home, business or sell any type of property in Trujillo, Honduras, Trujillo Realty is the place to go. We handle all of our transactions through escrow lawyers who, aside from keeping your money in safe hands, are required by us to do all the due diligence on legalities of the property being sold or bought, eliminating any future property dispute headaches. We provide our customers with inspectors for the properties we sell as well as builders and repair men for any modifications they wish to have done.
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